Featured visualizations

The emergence of Meetups used for political and social movements [left]
Monitoring network of women´s groups in the Netherlands [right]


See mobility flows of EU citizens across Europe. Select incoming EU mobility to see which countries are hosting citizens from other EU member states or select outgoing EU mobility to see which countries´s citizens are taking residence in other EU member states. To see how much citizens flow from one country to the other, hover over the graph. [Source Eurostat, 2017]

Interactive plot on welfare indicators

Compare how countries in Europe score on different welfare indicators, using a simple shiny app. Choose different indicators to plot against one another, such as health expenditures and social protection expenditures. Or look at the extent to which countries provide their citizens benefits in kind versus benefits in cash. [Source Eurostat, 2016]

Tour of denmark

My cycling tour through Denmark in a ggplot map in a few simple lines (and GPS data). Use gpsbabel to transform your GPS data in CSV format.

<pre class="wp-block-syntaxhighlighter-code">

# load library

# load data
                 header = TRUE, sep = ";")
world=getMap(resolution = "high")

# plot
ggplot(gps, aes(lon, lat)) +
   borders(database = world, 
           xlim=c(8, 13), ylim=c(55.0, 58.0)) +
   geom_point(colour="darkcyan",pch = 20) + 
   coord_map(projection = "ortho", 
             xlim = c(8, 13), 
             ylim = c(54.7, 57.9), clip = "on") +

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Go to my profile page at Nijmegen School of Management of the Radboud University for more information about my work.

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